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How to Choose The Perfect Wine For Your Next Dinner Party

Along with the food, wine is undoubtedly the star of every dinner party. Due to its brilliant versatility, you can find all kinds of wines that pair perfectly with a variety of dishes, providing a sensation like no other. In fact, its role is so important that sometimes the wine dictates the entire theme! However, considering how many options there are, choosing wine for your dinner party may not be the easiest task.

If you’re not a wine expert, you’ve probably found yourself standing in the supermarket, cluelessly looking at different bottles and not having the slightest idea about what to go for. Once you’ve finally decided, you start thinking about how many bottles are enough. Sooner or later, you become so overwhelmed that you start doubting why you have chosen to host a dinner party in the first place.

Firstly, there’s no need to panic - all you need is a bit of guidance! As experts in our field, we know how difficult it can be to choose wine for your dinner party. For that reason, we’re sharing some effective tips that will help you decide much faster. Once you’re done, picking out wine for your event will be a breeze!

Tips for Choosing Wine for a Dinner Party

  1. Map Out Your Party

Mapping out your event may sound like an odd idea, but hear us out. To know what kind of wine to go for, you first need to consider all party aspects. For one, think about the number of guests who will be drinking during the evening. Then, decide when you’ll be serving wine - you may want to offer a glass of sparkling wine before the official meal begins. Finally, and most importantly, the menu will be your main guide to choosing the type of wine for the party. Naturally, we’ll go into detail about this a bit later, but all you need to do for now is follow the event's theme. In other words, if it’s a casual night in, you should go for wines with lower alcohol content so your guests can enjoy a few glasses. Alternatively, opt for heavier bodies when you want to provide your guests with a sensational experience.

  1. Plan the budget

Another thing that makes choosing wine for your dinner party rather challenging is the amount of bottles you should buy. You never know how much your guests will drink, so it’s always better to have a few extra bottles to be on the safe side. However, great wines usually come with a hefty price, and you may end up spending much more than you initially thought.

One way you can avoid overspending is by going for the rule of thumb approach, which is one bottle per person (this equates to 4-5 glasses). If you opt for pre-meal sparkling wines or dessert wines, one or two bottles in total should be more than enough. Still, if your budget allows it, consider spending a bit extra. After all, the best dinner party comes with the best wines! If you have any opened bottles left once the night is over, secure them with a cork and enjoy them the next day.

  1. Choose the type of wine

This is undoubtedly the hardest part of the process, but luckily, there are a few ways you can simplify it. What’s important is that you are patient and go with wines that fit the night’s theme.

The easiest way for you to choose wine for your dinner party is the food itself. As you know, certain varieties pair nicely with specific flavors which significantly narrows down your choices. For instance, light Mediterranean dishes go perfectly with whites, while reds are ideal for heavier, meaty dishes. Additionally, if you’re cooking with sauce, this will dictate your choice of wine rather than the food. In other words, if the sauce is light, you go for light-bodied varieties and vice versa. Of course, you can always throw sparkling wines into the mix, but make sure you’ve tasted them before as some of them may not pair well with food. If your guests aren’t fans of Champagne or prosecco, a dry rose will hit the sweet spot.

Alternatively, you can choose the wine based on the cuisine you’re serving. We’ve all heard the saying ‘What grows together, goes together’ - this applies to food and wine pairing. With that said, if you’re cooking something Italian, an excellent Tuscany red will be the perfect addition to the night. 

Lastly, consider the mood. You might host a casual night with your friends and some delicious food, so popping open a bottle of an expensive wine may not be the smartest idea. Instead, go for something light and a little less sophisticated like a rose.

  1. Don’t forget about dessert wines

We’ve talked about offering sparkling wine at the beginning of the night, but have you thought about serving dessert wines as well? Traditionally, you can pair sweeter varieties with desserts such as the Portuguese Port wine. This will create the ultimate finishing touch, making your guests linger just a little bit longer. One bottle is enough since these types of wines usually have a higher alcohol content. And if you’re planning on finishing off the night with coffee, the wine should come before it.

  1. If all else fails…

…just go with your favorite wine! There’s nothing wrong with going for the tried-and-tested option. Since you love a certain type of wine, most of your guests will love it too! While we always recommend taking time with your choice, this is ideal whenever you want to throw a more laid-back event.

Following these tips will surely help you the next time you’re choosing wine for your dinner party. Remember to serve water to your guests throughout the night so they don’t get dehydrated, and provide clean glasses for every type of wine you’ll serve.

If you need more help with your choice, our wine selection will provide inspiration - and a superb taste! Take a look at our store and find the one that will make your dinner party the talk of the town!

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